Game review: Bubble Struggle: Adventures

Bubble StruggleBubble Struggle
Bubble Struggle
Remember Bubble Struggle from 10 years ago?

At the time it was one of the top ten games played on line and has been played over 350 million times.

Now the developer Kreso has launched a kickstarter campaign to help develop a follow up to Bubble Struggle called Bubble Struggle: Adventures.

About the game:

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‘Bubble Struggle: Adventures’ is a video game for all ages, featuring simple game mechanic and easy controls. Goal of the game is to avoid and shoot the bubbles. If you have a mobile device (iOS or Android), PC, Mac, Linux or an OUYA console – that means you can play the game!

Control the character using keyboard or a joypad/controller, to avoid and pop the bubbles. As the game progresses you will solve puzzles, meet helpful characters, open doors, discover different weapons, pop some more bubbles, zip-line to safety, skate over the ice...

BS:Adventures will feature many different game modes (for 1 and 2 players) and around 300 unique levels. It will also feature a level editor so players can create and share their levels, but also play levels by other players.

To find out more and add your support check out Kesco`s kickstarter page here